Tournament Rules
General rules:
- build only on your territory
- no bugs
- only balanced maps
- good ping (will be checked)
Tournament rules:
- round to 2 wins
- the team leaves the tournament if it loses in two rounds
- pairs of opponents are randomly generated (repetition of pairs for the first three rounds is excluded)
Rules and map of the first two games for the round:
- map and rules are selected in turn by two teams
If after two games the score is 1-1, teams play the third game.
Rules and map of the third game for the round:
- 2k, 10pt, noffs, max shooters 50, afp off, game speed 55
- map 2x2_SquaD_map_1a4
- the number of places is limited, 8 teams participate in the tournament. If more teams have registered, the organizers reserve the right to decide whom to include in the tournament
- if a participant(team) is suspected of fraud, violates the rules or interferes with the conduct of the tournament, the organizers have the right to exclude the team from the tournament without giving a reason.